Case Studies
Case study:2322278122 Lisa is 30 yrs old, married women and mother of 4 children. She has various worries for years but has never before sought professional help. During the past three months she has become increasingly unhappy to the degree that her family physician finally suggested she seek psychological help. For a number of months Lisa has been experiencing intrusive, repetitive thoughts which centered around her children's safety. She frequently imagined that various, serious accidents has occurred and could not put these thoughts out of her mind. For example, on one occasion she imagined that her son had a broken leg playing football at school and called school to see if he was all right. Even after learning that he was fine, she admitted being somewhat surprised when he arrived home unharmed. Specific numbers have come to have special meanings for Lisa and her preoccupation with them was beginning to interfere with her daily routine. While shopping she worried if she selected the first box of cereal off the shelf, something terrible would happen to her eldest child but if she selected the second box, the next eldest child would be harmed, and so on. If she drank one cup of coffee she found she had to drink four and similarly, she had to smoke four cigarettes in a row to protect her children. Her fears appeared to be valid as it seemed that, if she failed to protect the children in this way, some sort of problem or accident almost always happened to one of the children within a few days. In addition, Lisa reported dissatisfaction with both her marriage and problems in managing her children. Although her husband Tony was only 32 yrs old, he suffered a severe heart attack that made even normal physical exertion potentially dangerous for him. He had to leave his job and stay home. He relied upon Lisa and his kids for almost everything including bringing him a drink from the refrigerator. Children are out of control. They didn't respond well to parental discipline which was generally inconsistent. Lisa was the eldest of 4 children and was raised in NYC. A religious catholic but soon stopped going to church after services were done in English instead of Latin and when eating meat on Fridays was allowed. She witnessed a friend's baby getting run over by a bike and had thoughts of committing suicide but prayed to God to take those bad thoughts away. Case study: 1259800001 Mary is a 23 year old married white female with two children, ages 5 and 8. She was sent to the psychiatrist office by her family physician because about two times a week she would wake up around four or five in the morning and feel as if she had a bad case of insomnia but could not bring herself to get out of bed. About 1 or 2 hours later she would feel as if she had taken some type of drug. She reported feelings of extreme depersonalization and visual hallucination. ( E.g., neon Indians walking down the hallway. ) She also complained that she was very depressed most of the time and that she had a hard time going to work. She said when she was there she would experience high levels of anxiety. She also pointed out that she felt funny but that she could not explain these feelings. In conducting a thorough history, the psychiatrist discovered that Mary suffered from panic attacks but she said these feelings were different. He also discovered she had been hospitalized for schizophrenia many times. It was also discovered that he had undergone electro convulsive therapy and sleep treatments ( scopes ). He ordered an MRI which came back negative and he also had Mary get an EEG. The EEG was normal but it was noted that the beta waves were abnormal. Case study: 3898000001 Mike is a 33 year old divorced white male with two children he rarely ever sees, ages 8 and 10. He has never been seen by a psychiatrist. His family physician has tried to get him to see a local psychiatrist but Mike refuses to go. Mike says he knows someone has removed his brain and replaced it with someone else's. He believes that this brain is controlling him and that he is not responsible for his actions. He works everyday and has been on his current job for 15 years. He says he has lots of friends but sometimes he thinks its one of them who did this to him. He has a college education and has a degree in computer science. His family physician ordered an MRI which came back negative and he also had an EEG. The EEG came back normal. Case study: 1259800045 Gary is 55, divorced the only woman he was ever with 20 years ago, dated scarcely and without physical relationship, raised 3 children alone after traumatic abandonment by wife/mother after 16 years of marriage. Very little has changed in 20 years, as though his life is frozen in time. Whenever change is threatened, he becomes very anxious, always holding out suicide as his way out if cornered or overwhelmed. Gary has lived all his life on property in his family since 1800s, worked at the same job 35 years, driven same car more than 20 years, and lives in the same manufactured home he lived in with his wife. Inside his home, cob webs cover back of living room and dining room. Showers/bathrooms, and kitchen have not been cleaned since one of the children did it years ago. Gary uses the same towels and washcloths for twenty years, now rags. Gary never goes to a doctor, dentist, or psychiatrist, and refused any help. While providing extravagantly in a material way for his children, Gary lives off frozen meal entree's, one or two per day, and wears the same clothes for all these years. He won't accept gifts or help. As a child, Gary was the youngest of six. He was unwanted, and often speaks of wishing they would have "made him an abortion, like they considered to do." He had one brother and all the others sisters. He talks about being "in the way" all the time. He spent his time roaming fields, with few if any friends. Still he has no close relationships, and confides only in one of his sisters, who obviously attempts to translate her own opinions into him. He has contradicting thoughts, some of the way he would like to live, and some, dominant ones, about how he "should" live, by what principles and standards. Gary does not, has not, will not expose himself to pornography, violence, abusive speech, or drugs. He is pristine. He keeps himself physically clean and presentable, but spends nearly all his non-work hours at home in a chair watching TV or reading to "escape," he says. He attends church on occasion when heavily prompted by, and accompanied by, a few members of his family. He is afraid of "connections;" relationships. He fears the elders in his church so much, that he parks his car near the entrance and leaves as soon as possible. One more thing. Gary seems unable to be assertive or aggression, being polite and passive all the time. Case study: 2345622001 Bill is a 52 year old male. He is married for the second time, and has three stepchildren, to whom he is very close. He also deeply cares about his second wife, Angela. He had a tumultuous first marriage with a wife who was verbally and physically abusive. This abuse carried on for eight years until he summoned up the courage to telephone her at home one day while he was in the safe confines of work. Larry worked at his previous job for 22 years before the company moved out of the area. He is now working at another job were he has been employed for more than five years. He goes through seasons of sadness and anxiety that the children are leaving him and that they will forget all about him. As they grow older, he is more and more agitated. He is currently being treated for depression with Celexa. In the past he has been on Prozac which almost destroyed! him by making him want to end it all. When he was going through the divorce, he was on Ativan which proved to be counter productive in making him more anxious. He has more concern for his eldest daughter and when she is abandoning him than he does anyone else. He can be very aggressive if he feels that she is sidelining him for her boyfriend or if he believes that the boyfriend has verbally put him down by what his daughter might say or do. He will telephone the boyfriend and launch into a tirade about splitting up the family. This usually results in the boyfriend splitting up with his daughter. Lately, he has been stabilized with the Celexa. Case study: 7778322011 At age 20, Amy is the youngest of four children. Her sister Anne is 22, and her other sister Linda is 24. Bart is 26. Although Bart has been friendly with Amy, they have not been close as Bart spent most of his time as a child with other neighborhood boys and male cousins. Linda and Anne did not get along with each other. Often they would fight for their mother’s affection by telling lies about each other or show how they could help their mother. Sometimes, they would try to enlist Amy to be on their side by being nice to her and flattering her. However, when she would borrow their clothes without asking, Anne would yell at and occasionally hit her. Linda would tolerate this behavior. Amy would then cry to her mother about Anne; then her mother would discipline Anne.Her mother stayed at home with the children until Amy was 13. Then she returned to work as a secretary at a local business. When at home, her mother tried hard to spend time with each of her children. When Anne and Linda would take Amy to their sporting events. She notices that Amy tried to do as well at sports as her sisters and often she struggled with math at school. Also, Amy lost interest in sports around the time she entered ninth grade. Sometimes Amy’s mother would worry about Amy’s moping and sullenness. Amy’s father owned a hardware store. Because it was busiest on Saturday, Amy rarely saw him then. During the week when the store closed at 9:00p.m., her father didn't get home until 9:30. Often her father would joke with her and treat her differently than the others. He was pleased that she didn't seem to be in trouble. When she was a child, he would tell her stories and play games with her and her stuffed animals. When she entered high school, he would talk to her about school work and tell her amusing incidents that happened at work. Although Amy enjoyed his attention and interest, it never seemed enough. She worried about whether her school work would please him. Sometimes she would work at the hardware store because she knew he appreciated that even though she didn’t particularly enjoy it. She kept busy both in and out of school, in part to earn money, but also to prove that she could be successful. Amy is depressed and does not feel that her life is going well. She sees other women as being more attractive, more interesting, and brighter. She does not have a boyfriend and is upset that her friends spend too much time with their boyfriends. She feels that her professors do not make her courses interesting enough and that they make the courses too difficult. Case study:2322278311 Terri is a 45 year old housewife, caregiver, mother and business woman. Terri always felt that perhaps she was not as good as other people were, therefore she kept to herself mostly, and avoided most all social interactions. She's been married for the past ten years to a wonderful man and she also has become the caregiver of her 84 year old mother, who had Alzheimer's Disease, by moving the mother into her own home. Terri's 23 year old daughter lives next door with Terri's three year old granddaughter, who spends a lot of time at her Grandma's home. Terri also works from home by maintaining and designing web sites for businesses and also by her Ebay business that she runs, all from her pc at home. Case study: 5744339870 Bob is a 31 year old white male that is currently serving and incarceration for three charges of sexually assaulting three teen girls. He was revocated from Probation and Parole for having numerous contacts with female prostitutes as well as a girlfriend he was not authorized to have. Bob was adopted by his parents at the age of 6 months and they informed him of this when he was old enough to understand. He has no wish to find his biological parents and reports that his family life with his parents and siblings has been great. Bob reports feeling like being the person always looking in and never being part of anything. He states that his family only informed him of things, such as his mother's breast cancer scare, after everything was ok. He too had his own scare with cancer, testicular, but was afraid to have it checked out. Instead, he decided to live life the was he wanted due to "I won't be alive in 10 years anyway". Bob also reports that he had contact with prostitutes to show people he was not gay. He had been accused of being gay his entire life due to not wanting to have sex with anyone. Bob also has feminine traits such as his speech and appearance and body mannerisms. Bob also states that he was "dumped" by a girl he was suppose to marry when he was 19 and still thinks of here fondly. Bob expresses no emotions, even though he states the ASPCA commercials with the animals make him sad, but he just cannot cry. He does not feel anger, depressed, sleepless, etc... He is very flat affect. Bob will be nearing the end of his incarceration within the next 5 months and is trying to figure out why he cannot express emotions. |